Thursday, November 25, 2021

Sunlight ☀️ is known as sulper

These person's who's images are caught in the sunlight in a tree at my old residence in Sherman Tx 612 Rosedale Ave.  Another  same word that's cursed by Cody Jones and His son Robert Johnson aka #Belezubub the blues  man who sold his soul to the 😈.  
Supper is sunlight .! 

You can see Robert "BJ Johnson's image clearly ..
Missti Hastings And Linda Lane 

Next one Esther Dennise Woods 
612 E Rosedale St

Linda Lane Armstrong a Presley?

I've heard it all now my former so-called friend Linda Renee Lane Armstrong of mesquite Texas date of birth 3/21/69 thinks she is Lisa M...